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HRV Specialist Training


With a unique focus on education and empowerment, HRVHUSTLE helps clients find sustainable and long-term success through systems that encompass more than just training. 

HRVHUSTLE focuses on all areas of health & fitness, positive habit formation & behaviour change, driven training and flexible dieting. 

HRVHUSTLE Specialist Training options have been and are specifically designed.

Rehabilitation Training

Your comprehensive rehabilitation program will be tailored to your individual goals - determined after exclusive onboarding consult with Loz.

1. Access to HRVHUSTLE training app

2. Rehabilitation program designed specifically for you

3. WhatsApp access & support

4. 2x Rehab sessions per week at the gym

5. On-going consultations with Physio/Chiro/Osteo/GP 

6. WorkCover/Health Insurance approved


✓ Exclusive FB group and community support

✓ $160AUD per week + minimum 12-week commitment

HRV Pregnancy Program

The only Pregnancy Program split into 3 phases for all stages of Pregnancy.

Your comprehensive rehabilitation program will be tailored to your individual goals - determined after exclusive onboarding consult with Loz.


1. Access to HRVHUSTLE training app

2. Rehabilitation program designed specifically for you

3. WhatsApp access & support

4. 2x Rehab sessions per week at the gym

5. On-going consultations with Physio/Chiro/Osteo/GP 

6. WorkCover/Health Insurance approved


✓ Exclusive FB group and community support

✓ $160AUD per week + minimum 12-week commitment

Apply Now

HRV Post-Pregnancy Program

The only Post-Pregnancy Program split into 3 phases for all stages of recovery.

Your comprehensive rehabilitation program will be tailored to your individual goals - determined after exclusive onboarding consult with Loz.


1. Access to HRVHUSTLE training app

2. Rehabilitation program designed specifically for you

3. WhatsApp access & support

4. 2x Rehab sessions per week at the gym

5. On-going consultations with Physio/Chiro/Osteo/GP 

6. WorkCover/Health Insurance approved


✓ Exclusive FB group and community support

✓ $160AUD per week + minimum 12-week commitment

Apply Now

What Our Clients Say

Janelle B. 

Janelle - Back Comparison.png
"I have been a passionate fitness advocate for over 20 years. I found fitness when i was an overweight, stressed out teenager. It helped me balance my life. 
I have worked as a personal trainer and fitness class instructor in gyms, but my main passion is lifting weights and running. 
I have trained with Loz for the past 4 years. She has aided in my recovery from three cesarean sections and a debilitating hip injury. I now almost have full mobility in my hip from twice weekly rehab and strength sessions. 
I find pregnancy and recovery quite hard on my body as I am not one to just "snap back" into shape. I find it takes me about 12 months to fully recover and focus on weight loss and strength gains. Twice now, Loz has helped me lose the extra baby weight and help my body recover after birth trauma. I can now jump and not have to cross my fingers I don't wee!
I highly recommend the Post Pregnancy Program and Nutrition Program - invest in yourself!"

Book your FREE consultation call today!

Still UNSURE about which coaching option is best suited to YOU

Book a call with Loz to determine the best fit for you before we start your health & fitness journey together.

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